Monday, April 26, 2010

My First Open Experience

On the drive down to Amistad, I couldn't wait to get there and put the boat in the water and start practicing for my first BASS Central Open. After 600 miles and 9 1/2 hours of driving I finally arrived there, but the only bad thing was it was too late to start fishing that day. On the first morning of practice, I started throwing a DD22 on 15# Quattro Fluorocarbon and the first fish I caught was a 7! I ended the day with a little over 20 pounds but on Amistad - that is just an average day. The first day of the tournament finally comes and I decided that I was going to make a long run up the lake. The first fish I caught was a 6 and that just got the day off to a good start. At the end of the day I had 22.1, and was in 13th place and was really hoping the wind wouldn’t blow the next day, which it did. After the tournament was over I ended in 90th which was really disappointing. But I have to say that i was flipping trees in 20 feet of water with 15# Hi-Seas fluorocarbon and I never broke off. Its time to start getting ready for the next open on the Red River this should be interesting!

-Zach Gagnard

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